About The Teacher and Learner in Me

Welcome to The Teacher and Learner in Me blog! This blog was created to facilitate the sharing of lessons I’ve taught as a teacher and learned as a student in actual classrooms as well as lessons I’ve taught and learned that no classroom could ever teach…the ones learned and taught as a parent and the ones learned and taught as a friend. I am a multi-faceted woman whose every day is rife with experiences that, if shared, could help someone else along his life journey. I encourage other parents, students, teachers and other professionals to share, with as much specificity as necessary, but without profanity and vulgarity, a lesson taught or leaned.

Writing is often used as an exercise to help us remember and embrace the pleasant lessons, but it is also a method by which some healing and closure can be attained after a very hard lesson has been learned. As such, sharing our life lessons can help to free us from the memory of the drudgery or pain of the process while keeping the benefit of the lesson ever before us.

For as long as I can remember, I have faced each day with the intention to learn something new. As a parent and a teacher, I greet each day with the goal of teaching my children and my students something they will never forget. I will share my lessons with you, and hopefully you will share yours as well!

Let’s go live, learn and share!


Love learning…

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